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30-day Tabata intervals challenge

30 day Tabata workout challenge | UPMC Health Plan

Welcome to July’s challenge, Tabata intervals! This month we are bringing you a total body torch through intervals called a Tabata workout. It works like this:

  • You perform each exercise for 20 seconds and then have a 10-second break.
  • You repeat each exercise for eight rounds, or four minutes.
  • As the month goes on we will add more exercises, working up to a total body 32-minute workout!

In week one, we will preview each of the exercises as you start to get used to this style of training. Then in week two we start adding in additional exercises. For example, in week one you have one exercise for four minutes total. In week two, you add an additional exercise for double the total time. Between each exercise type, take a 30-second to one-minute break. If you need more time, then take it and then move on to the next exercise.

It’s important to remember that this style of training is more advanced. But that doesn’t mean you can’t participate if you’re not in tip-top shape. All you need to do is modify to a level you are comfortable with. For those of you training at a higher level of intensity on a regular basis, feel free to push yourself on these and really challenge yourself when they get tough.

I also recommend downloading an easy timer. You can find “Tabata timers” in most app stores on your smartphones or online.

Here are the exercises:

High knees

Jumping jacks

Jump squats



Mountain climbers

Plank jacks



Any of these exercises can be modified. Throughout the month you can work up to the more advanced version as you get stronger. I recommend starting at a lower intensity and making sure you can properly do the exercise. Then add intensity from there.

Always remember that proper form is the most important part of any exercise. Good luck and remember to tag your friends to join in! After all, summer is in full swing and it’s beach-body season!