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Weight loss tips for men

Weight Loss Tips for Men | UPMC Health Plan

Listen up, gentlemen. Summer is here, and it’s time to look great in your swimsuit. Winter is long gone, so let’s get some of that winter weight off. What is the fastest way to get the weight off? Is there a special shake or a magic pill that can melt the weight? Is there an all-in-one exercise routine that can burn the extra weight in a week? The answer to all of those questions is no. It takes a good balance of nutrition and physical activity to lose weight.

I had definitely been victimized by winter weight gain until I started signing up for different races throughout the year. This motivated me to stay in good physical shape and eat a healthy balanced diet. In fact, the race that helps keep me going through the winter months is the Pittsburgh Marathon. Preparing for that race is one of my strategies for fighting winter weight.

If you’re not a runner here are some other tips you can try for managing a healthier weight:

  1. Eat more fruit. Fruits offer a number of different nutrients that are good for the body. Fruits can also assist in managing cravings for something sweet.
  2. Eat more vegetables. Vegetables offer your body the different nutrients it needs to function, plus they will help you fill up and stay full longer. Just be careful of high-calorie dressings and dips.
  3. If you drink alcohol, reduce your intake. Alcohol contains empty calories that do not provide your body with nutrients. Cutting down is an excellent way to assist with the weight loss.
  4. Stay hydrated with water. Water is essential for proper body function. Water is not only good for us, but it also fills us up.
  5. Use a smartphone app or a notebook to track what you eat. Keeping a food log will help you learn more about your eating habits and help you improve them. A food log will also create a sense of accountability regarding how much you eat and the choices you make.
  6. Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can make it difficult for your body to maintain a normal blood sugar level to prevent getting hungry. When you skip a meal, you are more likely to give in to a craving.
  7. Plan and know what you are going to order at a restaurant. There will be times when you meet a group of friends or family at a restaurant. Plan what you are going to order and stick with that decision. If it helps, try to be one of the first people to order.
  8. Build in activity on your vacation. Vacations can sometimes get in the way of our physical activity and eating routine. You want to enjoy your vacation as much as possible, but you should also plan some built-in activities. Examples include taking a walk on the beach or on the boardwalk, going kayaking or biking and much more.
  9. Have a set exercise routine for the week. Set up a good routine throughout the week. If possible, include a workout buddy to help you stay motivated to stick to your routine. Add a variety of activities to help keep you from getting bored.
  10. Avoid negative food cues and create positive food cues. Having snacks that are high in fat and calories around your desk or at your house can present unnecessary challenges. Have fruits or keep pre-cut vegetables on hand to create a positive food cue. When high-fat and high-calorie foods aren’t available, you’ll be less tempted to eat them.